NEWS | 达观13项作品荣获美国 MUSE DESIGN AWARD 6「铂金」7「金」大满贯发表时间:2020-05-28 11:04 2020缪斯设计奖(MUSE Design Awards)收到来自全球众多国家的优秀建筑设计类作品,近日其奖项公布,KLID 达观国际建筑设计事务所凌子达先生从中脱颖而出,荣膺 6座「铂金奖」、7座「金奖」,共计13个奖项。 Muse Design Awards 2020 has received outstanding architectural design works from many countries around the world. Recently, its award was announced. Kris Lin klid Daguan international architectural design firm, stood out and won 6 "platinum awards" and 7 "gold awards", totaling 13 awards. 建筑类别: 「铂金奖」:全球共 12 座,达观荣获其中 3 座 「金奖」:全球共 17 座,达观荣获其中 2 座 室内类别: 达观荣获 3 座「铂金奖」,5 座「金奖」 01 缪斯设计奖 MUSE DESIGN AWARDS 2020 缪斯设计奖MUSE Design Awards 2020 缪斯设计奖(MUSE Design Awards)创立于1989年,由位于纽约的国际奖项协会(IAA)管理,是国际奖项协会(International Awards Associate)旗下的全球性奖项赛事之一,该奖项以严格的评审体系和评判标准著称,旨在培养和推广“设计缪斯”,面向建筑、室内、产品、时尚等广泛领域征集设计作品,发掘和支持各行业处在上升期的设计师,从而推动设计发展更上一层楼。 Muse Design Awards was founded in 1989 and is managed by the International Awards Association (IAA) in New York Association) is one of the global award competitions, which is famous for its strict evaluation system and criteria. It aims to cultivate and promote "design Muses", collect design works for architecture, interior, products, fashion and other fields, explore and support designers in the rising stage in various industries, so as to promote the design development to a higher level. 评委阵容Judging team 2020年缪斯设计大奖评审团由经验丰富的专业人士组成,在他们的领域中均有杰出的表现。评委是由来自世界各地的营销和广告公司以及专业人士精心挑选出来的,他们会带来行业知识和特定类别的技能来评估每一个参赛作品。 The jury of the 2020 Muse design award is composed of experienced professionals who have outstanding performance in their field. Judges are carefully selected by marketing and advertising companies and professionals from all over the world, who bring industry knowledge and specific categories of skills to evaluate each entry. 02 获奖荣誉 AWARDS AND HONORS 铂金奖 PLATINUM WINNER 6座 Flying 类别:Architectural Design 铂金奖 PLATINUM WINNER Light Of City 类别:Architectural Design 铂金奖 PLATINUM WINNER Zhongnan Mansion club house 类别:Interior Design 铂金奖 PLATINUM WINNER FLUID SPACE 类别:Interior Design 铂金奖 PLATINUM WINNER Hive City 类别:Interior Design 铂金奖 PLATINUM WINNER 铂金奖 PLATINUM WINNER PENETRATION 类别:Architectural Design 金奖 GOLD WINNER 7座 金奖 GOLD WINNER Skynet 类别:Interior Design 金奖 GOLD WINNER Ocean One 类别:Architectural Design 金奖 GOLD WINNER Banboo Windows 类别:Interior Design 金奖 GOLD WINNER Unlimited Boundary·Infinite Vision 类别:Architectural Design 金奖 GOLD WINNER Times Ocean Club House 类别:Interior Design 金奖 GOLD WINNER LINES OF LIGHT 类别:Interior Design 金奖 GOLD WINNER Imperial Park 类别:Interior Design |